Policy Framework CSIT Testing

The Continuous System and Integration Testing suites are run normally as a Jenkins job to assert that common usage of Policy Framework services are running as expected.

This article provides the steps to run CSIT tests in a local environment, most commonly after a significant code change.


If building images locally, follow the instructions here

First, clone policy/docker repo from gerrit:

git clone "https://gerrit.onap.org/r/policy/docker"

On this whole article, it’s assumed the base folder for policy-docker repository is ~/git/policy/docker

Under the folder ~/git/policy/docker/csit, there are two main scripts to run the tests:

  • run-k8s-csit.sh

  • run-project-csit.sh

Running CSIT in Docker environment

If not familiar with the PF Docker structure, the detailed information can be found here

Running tests to validate code changes

After building image(s) locally, the compose file needs to be edited to use the local image when bringing up the container. Open file ~/git/policy/docker/compose/docker-compose.yml and remove the tag ${CONTAINER_LOCATION} from the image variable in the service description. If change is GUI related, then docker-compose.gui.yml might need to be edited as well, although there are no GUI related test suites.

For example, if testing against a PAP change, a new onap/policy-pap image with latest and x.y.z-SNAPSHOT versions is available. When editing the docker-compose file, the following change would be done:


container_name: policy-pap


image: onap/policy-pap:latest
container_name: policy-pap


Make sure to do the same changes to any other components that are using locally built images.

After finished with edits in compose file, then use the run-project-csit.sh script to run the test suite.

cd ~/git/policy/docker
./csit/run-project-csit.sh <component>

The <component> input is any of the policy components available:

  • api

  • pap

  • apex-pdp

  • distribution

  • drools-pdp

  • drools-applications

  • xacml-pdp

  • policy-acm-runtime

Keep in mind that after the Robot executions, logs from docker-compose are printed and test logs might not be available on console and the containers are teared down. The tests results are available under ~/git/policy/docker/csit/archives/<component>/ folder.

Running tests for learning PF usage

In that case, no changes required on docker-compose files, but commenting the tear down of docker containers might be required. For that, edit the file run-project-csit.sh script and comment the following line:

# source_safely ${WORKSPACE}/compose/stop-compose.sh (currently line 36)

This way, the docker containers are still up and running for more investigation.

To tear them down, execute the stop-compose.sh script:

cd ~/git/policy/docker/compose

Running CSIT in Micro K8S environment

The microk8s version of Policy Framework was brought up for integration test in PF as whole, such as Stability and Performance tests, but can be used for CSIT validation as well. The helm charts are under ~/git/policy/docker/helm folder.

Running tests or installing one PF component

If needed to install or run tests for an specific PF component, the run-k8s-csit.sh script can be used to run the test suite or installation with the proper arguments.

cd ~/git/policy/docker
./csit/run-k8s-csit.sh install <component>

The <component> input is any of the policy components available:

  • api

  • pap

  • apex-pdp

  • distribution

  • drools-pdp

  • xacml-pdp

  • clamp

Different from Docker usage, the microk8s installation is not removed when tests finish.

Installing all available PF components

Use the run-k8s-csit.sh script to install PF components with Prometheus server available.

cd ~/git/policy/docker
./csit/run-k8s-csit.sh install

In this case, no tests are executed and the environment can be used for other integration tests such as Stability and Performance, Smoke tests or manual test.

Uninstall and clean up

If running the CSIT tests with microk8s environment, docker images for the tests suites are created. To clean them up, user docker prune command.

To uninstall policy helm deployment and/or the microk8s cluster, use run-k8s-csit.sh

cd ~/git/policy/docker

# to uninstall deployment
./csit/run-k8s-csit.sh uninstall

# to remove cluster
./csit/run-k8s-csit.sh clean

End of document