Policy Distribution Smoke Test

The policy-distribution smoke testing is executed against a custom ONAP docker installation as defined in the docker compose file in “policy/docker/csit/”. The policy-distribution configuration file is located in “docker/csit/config/distribution/”. This test verifies the execution of the REST api’s exposed by the component to make sure the CSAR Decoding and Forwarding works as expected.

General Setup

In policy/docker/csit/

./start-grafana.sh distribution

This script will compose the ONAP components used during the smoke tests are:

  • Policy API to perform CRUD of policies.

  • Policy DB to store the policies, and DB Migrator to start the db.

  • DMAAP Simulator for the communication between components.

  • Policy PAP to perform runtime administration (deploy/undeploy/status/statistics/etc).

  • Policy Apex-PDP to deploy & undeploy policies. And send heartbeats to PAP.

  • Policy Drools-PDP to deploy & undeploy policies. And send heartbeats to PAP.

  • Policy Xacml-PDP to deploy & undeploy policies. And send heartbeats to PAP.

  • Policy Distribution to test the Decoding and Forwarding functions.

Use this script to easily bring down the containers :


Testing procedure

The test set is focused on the following use cases:

  • Wait until Distribution starts and reach the built-in REST endpoints for fetching healthcheck & statistics.

  • Execute some of the REST api’s exposed by policy-pap component.

Starting Policy Distribution

Check the docker logs to see when Distribution service is up and running.

Get the ips of distribution and pap services:

1  ./get-instance-ip.sh policy-distribution
2      ./get-instance-ip.sh policy-pap

Health check status & statistical data of running distribution system.

curl -u 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' --basic http://{POLICY_DISTRIBUTION_IP}:6969/healthcheck
curl -u 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' --basic http://{POLICY_DISTRIBUTION_IP}:6969/statistics

Expected result for healthcheck

{"name":"Policy SSD","url":"policy-distribution","healthy":true,"code":200,"message":"alive"}

Expected result for statistics


Trigger Policy Distribution Core

In order to test policy-distribution, we need to trigger the decoding copying a .csar in the mapped volume, defined in the docker-compose-distribution-smoke.yml as :

 - ./distribution/config/temp/:/opt/app/policy/distribution/etc/temp/

So now copy the “sample_csar_with_apex_policy.csar” from ./distribution/config/csar/ to ./distribution/config/temp/

If the commissioning is successful we should see from the logs this message


So if we check the distribution statistics again


Execute policy-pap testing


The user for pap is different.

Check the details of policies deployed

curl -k --user 'policyadmin:zb!XztG34' http://{POLICY_PAP_IP}:6969/policy/pap/v1/policies/status

Expected SUCCESS result


Check number of policies deployed

curl -k --user 'policyadmin:zb!XztG34' http://{POLICY_PAP_IP}:6969/policy/pap/v1/policies/deployed

Expected success-count result


Or download & execute the steps in postman collection for verifying policy-pap component. The steps need to be performed sequentially one after another. And no input is required from user.

Policy Framework Administration API

Make sure to execute the delete steps in order to clean the setup after testing.