Offered APIs
trapd supports the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) standard. It is a well documented and pervasive protocol, used in all networks worldwide.
As an API offering, the only way to interact with trapd is to send traps that conform to the industry standard specification (RFC1215 - available at ) to a running instance. To accomplish this, you may:
Configure SNMP agents to send native traps to a SNMPTRAP instance. In SNMP agent configurations, this is usually accomplished by setting the “trap target” or “snmp manager” to the IP address of the running VM/container hosting SNMPTRAP.
Simulate a SNMP trap using various freely available utilities. Two examples are provided below, be sure to change the target (“localhost”) and port (“162”) to applicable values in your environment.
NetSNMP snmptrap
One way to simulate an arriving SNMP trap is to use the Net-SNMP utility/command snmptrap. This command can send V1, V2c or V3 traps to a manager based on the parameters provided.
The example below sends a SNMP V1 trap to the specified host. Prior to running this command, export the values of to_ip_address (set it to the IP of the VM hosting the ONAP trapd container) and to_port (typically set to “162”):
export to_ip_address=
export to_port=162
Then run the Net-SNMP command/utility:
snmptrap -d -v 1 -c not_public ${to_ip_address}:${to_portt} . localhost 6 1 '55' . s "test trap"
This will display some “read_config_store open failure” errors; they can be ignored, the trap has successfully been sent to the specified destination.
python using pysnmp
Another way to simulate an arriving SNMP trap is to send one with the python pysnmp module. (Note that this is the same module that ONAP trapd is based on).
To do this, create a python script called “” with the following contents. You’ll need to change the target (from “localhost” to whatever the destination IP/hostname of the trap receiver is) before saving:
from pysnmp.hlapi import *
from pysnmp import debug
# debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('msgproc'))
errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varbinds = next(sendNotification(SnmpEngine(),
UdpTransportTarget(('localhost', 162)),
[ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('.'), OctetString('test trap - ignore')),
ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('.'), OctetString('ONAP pytest trap'))])
if errorIndication:
print("successfully sent trap")
To run the pysnmp example:
python ./