

trapd runs as a single (python) process inside (or outside) the container. You can monitor it using the commands documented below.

NOTE: Familiarity with docker environments is assumed below - for example, if you stop a running instance of snmptrapd that was started using the default snmptrapd docker configuration, the container itself will exit. Similarly, if you start an instance of snmptrapd inside a container, it will not run in the background (this is a dependency/relationship between docker and the application -> if the command registered to run the service inside the container terminates, it is assumed that the application has failed and docker will terminate the container itself).


Starting snmptrapd

The trapd service can be started by running the command:

/opt/app/snmptrap/bin/ start

Output from this command will be two-fold. First will be the textual response:

2018-10-16T15:14:59,461 Starting snmptrapd...
2018-10-16T19:15:01,966 ONAP controller not present, trying json config override via CBS_SIM_JSON env variable
2018-10-16T19:15:01,966 ONAP controller override specified via CBS_SIM_JSON: ../etc/snmptrapd.json
2018-10-16T19:15:01,973 ../etc/snmptrapd.json loaded and parsed successfully
2018-10-16T19:15:02,038 load_all_configs|snmptrapd||||INFO|100||current config logged to : /opt/app/snmptrap/tmp/current_config.json
2018-10-16T19:15:02,048 : ONAP SNMP Trap Receiver version 1.4.0 starting
2018-10-16T19:15:02,049 arriving traps logged to: /opt/app/snmptrap/logs/snmptrapd_arriving_traps.log
2018-10-16T19:15:02,050 published traps logged to: /opt/app/snmptrap/logs/DMAAP_unauthenticated.ONAP-COLLECTOR-SNMPTRAP.json

NOTE: This command will remain in the foreground for reasons explained above.

Checking Status

The trapd container can be monitored for status by running this command from inside the container:

/opt/app/snmptrap/bin/ status

If SNMPTRAPD is present/running, output from this command will be:

2018-10-16T15:01:47,705 Status: snmptrapd running
ucsnmp    16109  16090  0 Oct08 ?        00:07:16 python ./

and the return code presented to the shell upon exit:

0 -> if command executed successfully and the process was found 1 -> if the command failed, and/or the process is not running

$ echo $?


If trapd is not present, output from this command will be:

2018-10-16T15:10:47,815 PID file /opt/app/snmptrap/tmp/ does not exist or not readable - unable to check status of snmptrapd
2018-10-16T15:10:47,816 Diagnose further at command line as needed.

and the return code presented to the shell upon exit:

$ echo $?


Stopping trapd

trapd can be stopped by running the command:

/opt/app/snmptrap/bin/ stop

Output from this command will be two-fold. First will be the textual response:

2018-10-16T15:10:07,808 Stopping snmptrapd PID 16109...
2018-10-16T15:10:07,810 Stopped

Second will be the return code presented to the shell upon exit:

0 - if command executed successfully 1 - if the request to stop failed

$ echo $?


Other commands of interest

Checking for snmptrapd inside a container

ps -ef | grep | grep -v grep

Checking for snmptrapd outside the container

docker exec -it <container name> ps -ef | grep | grep -v grep