Logging & Diagnostic Information

VF-C logs are kept inside the docker containers: /var/log/onap/vfc/nslcm/runtime_nslcm.log You can get the log when the dockers start.

Where to Access Information

Use kubectl commands to get the log.

# get the vfc-nslcm pod name
kubectl -n onap get pod | grep -i vfc
kubectl -n onap logs dev-vfc-nslcm-6dd99f94f4-vxdkc -c vfc-nslcm


kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-vfc-nslcm-6dd99f94f4-vxdkc -c vfc-nslcm -- bash
cd /var/log/onap/vfc/nslcm/
tail -f runtime_nslcm.log