Helm Charts

A Helm chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. A simple chart might be used to deploy something simple, like a memcached pod, while a complex chart might contain many micro-service arranged in a hierarchy as found in the aai ONAP component.

Charts are created as files laid out in a particular directory tree, then they can be packaged into versioned archives to be deployed. There is a public archive of Helm Charts on ArtifactHUB that includes many technologies applicable to ONAP. Some of these charts have been used in ONAP and all of the ONAP charts have been created following the guidelines provided.

An example structure of the OOM common helm charts is shown below:

├── cassandra
│   ├── Chart.yaml
│   ├── resources
│      ├── config
│         └── docker-entrypoint.sh
│      ├── exec.py
│      └── restore.sh
│   ├── templates
│      ├── backup
│         ├── configmap.yaml
│         ├── cronjob.yaml
│         ├── pv.yaml
│         └── pvc.yaml
│      ├── configmap.yaml
│      ├── pv.yaml
│      ├── service.yaml
│      └── statefulset.yaml
│   └── values.yaml
├── common
│   ├── Chart.yaml
│   ├── templates
│      ├── _createPassword.tpl
│      ├── _ingress.tpl
│      ├── _labels.tpl
│      ├── _mariadb.tpl
│      ├── _name.tpl
│      ├── _namespace.tpl
│      ├── _repository.tpl
│      ├── _resources.tpl
│      ├── _secret.yaml
│      ├── _service.tpl
│      ├── _storage.tpl
│      └── _tplValue.tpl
│   └── values.yaml
├── ...
└── postgres-legacy
    ├── Chart.yaml
    ├── charts
    └── configs

The common section of charts consists of a set of templates that assist with parameter substitution (name.tpl, namespace.tpl, etc) and a set of charts for components used throughout ONAP. When the common components are used by other charts they are instantiated each time or we can deploy a shared instances for several components.

All of the ONAP components have charts that follow the pattern shown below:

├── Chart.yaml
├── component
│   └── subcomponent-folder
├── charts
│   └── subchart-folder
├── resources
│   ├── folder1
│      ├── file1
│      └── file2
│   └── folder1
│       ├── file3
│       └── folder3
│           └── file4
├── templates
│   ├── NOTES.txt
│   ├── configmap.yaml
│   ├── deployment.yaml
│   ├── ingress.yaml
│   ├── job.yaml
│   ├── secrets.yaml
│   └── service.yaml
└── values.yaml

Note that the /components sub dir may include a hierarchy of sub components and in themselves can be quite complex.

You can use either charts or components folder for your subcomponents. charts folder means that the subcomponent will always been deployed.

components folders means we can choose if we want to deploy the subcomponent.

This choice is done in root values.yaml:

  key: value

  enabled: true
  enabled: true

Then in Chart.yaml dependencies section, you’ll use these values:

  - name: common
    version: ~x.y-0
    repository: '@local'
  - name: component1
    version: ~x.y-0
    repository: 'file://components/component1'
    condition: component1.enabled
  - name: component2
    version: ~x.y-0
    repository: 'file://components/component2'
    condition: component2.enabled

Configuration of the components varies somewhat from component to component but generally follows the pattern of one or more configmap.yaml files which can directly provide configuration to the containers in addition to processing configuration files stored in the config directory. It is the responsibility of each ONAP component team to update these configuration files when changes are made to the project containers that impact configuration.

The following section describes how the hierarchical ONAP configuration system is key to management of such a large system.