OOM Quick Start Guide


Once a Kubernetes environment is available (follow the instructions in OOM Cloud Setup Guide if you don’t have a cloud environment available), follow the following instructions to deploy ONAP.

Step 1. Clone the OOM repository from ONAP gerrit:

> git clone -b <BRANCH> http://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom --recurse-submodules
> cd oom/kubernetes

where <BRANCH> can be an official release tag, such as

  • 4.0.0-ONAP for Dublin

  • 5.0.1-ONAP for El Alto

  • 6.0.0 for Frankfurt

  • 7.0.0 for Guilin

  • 8.0.0 for Honolulu

  • 9.0.0 for Istanbul

Step 2. Install Helm Plugins required to deploy ONAP:

> cp -R ~/oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/ ~/.local/share/helm/plugins
> helm plugin install https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push.git \
    --version 0.9.0


The --version 0.9.0 is required as new version of helm (3.7.0 and up) is now using push directly and helm-push is using cm-push starting version 0.10.0 and up.

Step 3. Install Chartmuseum:

> curl -LO https://s3.amazonaws.com/chartmuseum/release/latest/bin/linux/amd64/chartmuseum
> chmod +x ./chartmuseum
> mv ./chartmuseum /usr/local/bin

Step 4. Install Cert-Manager:

> kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.2.0/cert-manager.yaml

More details can be found here.

Step 5. Customize the Helm charts like oom/kubernetes/onap/values.yaml or an override file like onap-all.yaml, onap-vfw.yaml or openstack.yaml file to suit your deployment with items like the OpenStack tenant information.


Standard and example override files (e.g. onap-all.yaml, openstack.yaml) can be found in the oom/kubernetes/onap/resources/overrides/ directory.

  1. You may want to selectively enable or disable ONAP components by changing the enabled: true/false flags.

  2. Encrypt the OpenStack password using the shell tool for Robot and put it in the Robot Helm charts or Robot section of openstack.yaml

  3. Encrypt the OpenStack password using the java based script for SO Helm charts or SO section of openstack.yaml.

  4. Update the OpenStack parameters that will be used by Robot, SO and APPC Helm charts or use an override file to replace them.

  5. Add in the command line a value for the global master password (global.masterPassword).

a. Enabling/Disabling Components: Here is an example of the nominal entries that need to be provided. We have different values file available for different contexts.

# Copyright © 2019 Amdocs, Bell Canada
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nordix Foundation, Modifications
# Modifications Copyright © 2020-2021 Nokia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Global configuration overrides.
# These overrides will affect all helm charts (ie. applications)
# that are listed below and are 'enabled'.
  # Change to an unused port prefix range to prevent port conflicts
  # with other instances running within the same k8s cluster
  nodePortPrefix: 302
  nodePortPrefixExt: 304

  # Install test components
  # test components are out of the scope of ONAP but allow to have a entire
  # environment to test the different features of ONAP
  # Current tests environments provided:
  #  - netbox (needed for CDS IPAM)
  #  - AWX (needed for XXX)
  #  - EJBCA Server (needed for CMPv2 tests)
  # Today, "contrib" chart that hosting these components must also be enabled
  # in order to make it work. So `contrib.enabled` must have the same value than
  # addTestingComponents
  addTestingComponents: &testing false

  # ONAP Repository
  # Four different repositories are used
  # You can change individually these repositories to ones that will serve the
  # right images. If credentials are needed for one of them, see below.
  repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
  dockerHubRepository: &dockerHubRepository docker.io
  elasticRepository: &elasticRepository docker.elastic.co
  googleK8sRepository: k8s.gcr.io
  githubContainerRegistry: ghcr.io

  #/!\ DEPRECATED /!\
  # Legacy repositories which will be removed at the end of migration.
  # Please don't use
  loggingRepository: *elasticRepository
  busyboxRepository: *dockerHubRepository

  # Default credentials
  # they're optional. If the target repository doesn't need them, comment them
    user: docker
    password: docker
  # If you want / need authentication on the repositories, please set
  # Don't set them if the target repo is the same than others
  # so id you've set repository to value `my.private.repo` and same for
  # dockerHubRepository, you'll have to configure only repository (exclusive) OR
  # dockerHubCred.
  # dockerHubCred:
  #   user: myuser
  #   password: mypassord
  # elasticCred:
  #   user: myuser
  #   password: mypassord
  # googleK8sCred:
  #   user: myuser
  #   password: mypassord

  # common global images
  # Busybox for simple shell manipulation
  busyboxImage: busybox:1.32

  # curl image
  curlImage: curlimages/curl:7.69.1

  # env substitution image
  envsubstImage: dibi/envsubst:1

  # generate htpasswd files image
  # there's only latest image for htpasswd
  htpasswdImage: xmartlabs/htpasswd:latest

  # kubenretes client image
  kubectlImage: bitnami/kubectl:1.19

  # logging agent
  loggingImage: beats/filebeat:5.5.0

  # mariadb client image
  mariadbImage: bitnami/mariadb:10.5.8

  # nginx server image
  nginxImage: bitnami/nginx:1.18-debian-10

  # postgreSQL client and server image
  postgresImage: crunchydata/crunchy-postgres:centos8-13.2-4.6.1

  # readiness check image
  readinessImage: onap/oom/readiness:3.0.1

  # image pull policy
  pullPolicy: Always

  # default java image
  jreImage: onap/integration-java11:7.2.0

  # default clusterName
  # {{ template "common.fullname" . }}.{{ template "common.namespace" . }}.svc.{{ .Values.global.clusterName }}
  clusterName: cluster.local

  # default mount path root directory referenced
  # by persistent volumes and log files
    mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
    enableDefaultStorageclass: false
    parameters: {}
    storageclassProvisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner
    volumeReclaimPolicy: Retain

  # override default resource limit flavor for all charts
  flavor: unlimited

  # flag to enable debugging - application support required
  debugEnabled: false

  # default password complexity
  # available options: phrase, name, pin, basic, short, medium, long, maximum security
  # More datails: https://www.masterpasswordapp.com/masterpassword-algorithm.pdf
  passwordStrength: long

  # configuration to set log level to all components (the one that are using
  # "common.log.level" to set this)
  # can be overrided per components by setting logConfiguration.logLevelOverride
  # to the desired value
  # logLevel: DEBUG

  # Global ingress configuration
    enabled: false
      baseurl: "simpledemo.onap.org"

  # Global Service Mesh configuration
  # POC Mode, don't use it in production
    enabled: false
    tls: true

  # metrics part
  # If enabled, exporters (for prometheus) will be deployed
  # if custom resources set to yes, CRD from prometheus operartor will be
  # created
  # Not all components have it enabled.
    enabled: true
    custom_resources: false

  # Disabling AAF
  # POC Mode, only for use in development environment
  # Keep it enabled in production
  aafEnabled: true
  aafAgentImage: onap/aaf/aaf_agent:2.1.20

  # Disabling MSB
  # POC Mode, only for use in development environment
  msbEnabled: true

  # default values for certificates
      renewBefore: 720h #30 days
      duration:    8760h #365 days
        organization: "Linux-Foundation"
        country: "US"
        locality: "San-Francisco"
        province: "California"
        organizationalUnit: "ONAP"
        group: certmanager.onap.org
        kind: CMPv2Issuer
        name: cmpv2-issuer-onap

  # Enabling CMPv2
  cmpv2Enabled: true
      clientSecretName: oom-cert-service-client-tls-secret
      keystoreKeyRef: keystore.jks
      truststoreKeyRef: truststore.jks
      keystorePasswordSecretName: oom-cert-service-certificates-password
      keystorePasswordSecretKey: password
      truststorePasswordSecretName: oom-cert-service-certificates-password
      truststorePasswordSecretKey: password

  # Indicates offline deployment build
  # Set to true if you are rendering helm charts for offline deployment
  # Otherwise keep it disabled
  offlineDeploymentBuild: false

  # TLS
  # Set to false if you want to disable TLS for NodePorts. Be aware that this
  # will loosen your security.
  # if set this element will force or not tls even if serviceMesh.tls is set.
  # tlsEnabled: false

  # Logging
  # Currently, centralized logging is not in best shape so it's disabled by
  # default
  centralizedLoggingEnabled: &centralizedLogging false

  # Example of specific for the components where you want to disable TLS only for
  # it:
  # if set this element will force or not tls even if global.serviceMesh.tls and
  # global.tlsEnabled is set otherwise.
  # robot:
  #   tlsOverride: false

  # Global storage configuration
  #    Set to "-" for default, or with the name of the storage class
  #    Please note that if you use AAF, CDS, SDC, Netbox or Robot, you need a
  #    storageclass with RWX capabilities (or set specific configuration for these
  #    components).
  # persistence:
  #   storageClass: "-"

# Example of specific for the components which requires RWX:
# aaf:
#   persistence:
#     storageClassOverride: "My_RWX_Storage_Class"
# contrib:
#   netbox:
#     netbox-app:
#       persistence:
#         storageClassOverride: "My_RWX_Storage_Class"
# cds:
#   cds-blueprints-processor:
#     persistence:
#       storageClassOverride: "My_RWX_Storage_Class"
# sdc:
#   sdc-onboarding-be:
#     persistence:
#       storageClassOverride: "My_RWX_Storage_Class"

# Enable/disable and configure helm charts (ie. applications)
# to customize the ONAP deployment.
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
    openStackType: OpenStackProvider
    openStackName: OpenStack
    openStackKeyStoneUrl: http://localhost:8181/apidoc/explorer/index.html
    openStackServiceTenantName: default
    openStackDomain: default
    openStackUserName: admin
    openStackEncryptedPassword: admin
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
# Today, "contrib" chart that hosting these components must also be enabled
# in order to make it work. So `contrib.enabled` must have the same value than
# addTestingComponents
  enabled: *testing
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
# Today, "logging" chart that perform the central part of logging must also be
# enabled in order to make it work. So `logging.enabled` must have the same
# value than centralizedLoggingEnabled
  enabled: *centralizedLogging
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
    # openstack configuration
    openStackRegion: "Yolo"
    openStackVNFTenantId: "1234"
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
    # openStackEncryptedPasswordHere should match the encrypted string used in SO and APPC and overridden per environment
    openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "c124921a3a0efbe579782cde8227681e"
  enabled: false
  enabled: false

  replicaCount: 1

    replicaCount: 1
  enabled: false

  replicaCount: 1

    # necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
    # in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
    enabled: false

  # so server configuration
    # message router configuration
    dmaapTopic: "AUTO"
    # openstack configuration
    openStackUserName: "vnf_user"
    openStackRegion: "RegionOne"
    openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
    openStackServiceTenantName: "service"
    openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "c124921a3a0efbe579782cde8227681e"

  # in order to enable static password for so-monitoring uncomment:
  # so-monitoring:
  #   server:
  #     monitoring:
  #       password: demo123456!
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false

  enabled: true
  enabled: true
  enabled: true

b. Generating ROBOT Encrypted Password: The Robot encrypted Password uses the same encryption.key as SO but an openssl algorithm that works with the python based Robot Framework.


To generate Robot openStackEncryptedPasswordHere:

cd so/resources/config/mso/
/oom/kubernetes/so/resources/config/mso# echo -n "<openstack tenant password>" | openssl aes-128-ecb -e -K `cat encryption.key` -nosalt | xxd -c 256 -p``

c. Generating SO Encrypted Password: The SO Encrypted Password uses a java based encryption utility since the Java encryption library is not easy to integrate with openssl/python that Robot uses in Dublin and upper versions.


To generate SO openStackEncryptedPasswordHere and openStackSoEncryptedPassword ensure default-jdk is installed:

apt-get update; apt-get install default-jdk

Then execute:

SO_ENCRYPTION_KEY=`cat ~/oom/kubernetes/so/resources/config/mso/encryption.key`

git clone http://gerrit.onap.org/r/integration
cd integration/deployment/heat/onap-rke/scripts

javac Crypto.java
  1. Update the OpenStack parameters:

There are assumptions in the demonstration VNF Heat templates about the networking available in the environment. To get the most value out of these templates and the automation that can help confirm the setup is correct, please observe the following constraints.


This network should allow Heat templates to add interfaces. This need not be an external network, floating IPs can be assigned to the ports on the VMs that are created by the heat template but its important that neutron allow ports to be created on them.

openStackPrivateNetCidr: ""

This ip address block is used to assign OA&M addresses on VNFs to allow ONAP connectivity. The demonstration Heat templates assume that 10.0 prefix can be used by the VNFs and the demonstration ip addressing plan embodied in the preload template prevent conflicts when instantiating the various VNFs. If you need to change this, you will need to modify the preload data in the Robot Helm chart like integration_preload_parameters.py and the demo/heat/preload_data in the Robot container. The size of the CIDR should be sufficient for ONAP and the VMs you expect to create.

openStackOamNetworkCidrPrefix: "10.0"

This ip prefix mush match the openStackPrivateNetCidr and is a helper variable to some of the Robot scripts for demonstration. A production deployment need not worry about this setting but for the demonstration VNFs the ip asssignment strategy assumes 10.0 ip prefix.

Example Keystone v2.0

# This override file configures openstack parameters for ONAP
    enableClustering: false
    openStackType: "OpenStackProvider"
    openStackName: "OpenStack"
    # OS_AUTH_URL from the openstack .RC file
    openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
    openStackServiceTenantName: "OPENSTACK_TENANTNAME_HERE"
    # OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME from the openstack .RC file
    openStackDomain: "Default"
    openStackUserName: "OPENSTACK_USERNAME_HERE"
  appcUsername: "appc@appc.onap.org"
  appcPassword: "demo123456!"
  # OS_AUTH_URL without the /v2.0 from the openstack .RC file
  openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
  # From openstack network list output
  openStackPublicNetId: "971040b2-7059-49dc-b220-4fab50cb2ad4"
  # tenantID=`openstack project show $tenantName | grep -w id | awk '{print $4}'`
  # where "tenantName" is OS_PROJECT_NAME from openstack .RC file
  openStackTenantId: "09d8566ea45e43aa974cf447ed591d77"
  ubuntu14Image: "ubuntu-14-04-cloud-amd64"
  ubuntu16Image: "ubuntu-16-04-cloud-amd64"
  # From openstack network list output
  openStackPrivateNetId: "c7824f00-bef7-4864-81b9-f6c3afabd313"
  # From openstack network list output
  openStackPrivateSubnetId: "2a0e8888-f93e-4615-8d28-fc3d4d087fc3"
  openStackPrivateNetCidr: ""
  # From openstack security group list output
  openStackSecurityGroup: "3a7a1e7e-6d15-4264-835d-fab1ae81e8b0"
  openStackOamNetworkCidrPrefix: "10.0"
  # Control node IP
  dcaeCollectorIp: ""
  # SSH public key
  vnfPubKey: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDKXDgoo3+WOqcUG8/5uUbk81+yczgwC4Y8ywTmuQqbNxlY1oQ0YxdMUqUnhitSXs5S/yRuAVOYHwGg2mCs20oAINrP+mxBI544AMIb9itPjCtgqtE2EWo6MmnFGbHB4Sx3XioE7F4VPsh7japsIwzOjbrQe+Mua1TGQ5d4nfEOQaaglXLLPFfuc7WbhbJbK6Q7rHqZfRcOwAMXgDoBqlyqKeiKwnumddo2RyNT8ljYmvB6buz7KnMinzo7qB0uktVT05FH9Rg0CTWH5norlG5qXgP2aukL0gk1ph8iAt7uYLf1ktp+LJI2gaF6L0/qli9EmVCSLr1uJ38Q8CBflhkh"
  demoArtifactsVersion: "1.4.0-SNAPSHOT"
  demoArtifactsRepoUrl: "https://nexus.onap.org/content/repositories/releases"
  scriptVersion: "1.4.0-SNAPSHOT"
  # rancher node IP where RKE configired
  rancherIpAddress: ""
    # openStackEncryptedPasswordHere should match the encrypted string used in SO and APPC and overridden per environment
  # so server configuration
      openStackUserName: "OPENSTACK_USERNAME_HERE"
      # OS_AUTH_URL from the openstack .RC file
      openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""

Example Keystone v3 (required for Rocky and later releases)

# This override file configures openstack parameters for ONAP
  enabled: true
  flavor: large
  appcUsername: "appc@appc.onap.org"
  appcPassword: "demo123456!"
  # KEYSTONE Version 3  Required for Rocky and beyond
  openStackKeystoneAPIVersion: "v3"
  # OS_AUTH_URL without the /v3 from the openstack .RC file
  openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
  # tenantID=`openstack project show $tenantName | grep -w id | awk '{print $4}'`
  # where "tenantName" is OS_PROJECT_NAME from openstack .RC file
  openStackTenantId: "09d8566ea45e43aa974cf447ed591d77"
  # OS_USERNAME from the openstack .RC file
  openStackUserName: "OS_USERNAME_HERE"
  #  OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID from the openstack .RC file
  #  in some environments it is a string but in other environmens it may be a numeric
  openStackDomainId:  "default"
  #  OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME from the openstack .RC file
  openStackUserDomain:  "Default"
  ubuntu14Image: "ubuntu-14-04-cloud-amd64"
  ubuntu16Image: "ubuntu-16-04-cloud-amd64"
  # From openstack network list output
  openStackPublicNetId: "971040b2-7059-49dc-b220-4fab50cb2ad4"
  # From openstack network list output
  openStackPrivateNetId: "83c84b68-80be-4990-8d7f-0220e3c6e5c8"
  # From openstack network list output
  openStackPrivateSubnetId: "e571c1d1-8ac0-4744-9b40-c3218d0a53a0"
  openStackPrivateNetCidr: ""
  openStackOamNetworkCidrPrefix: "10.0"
  # From openstack security group list output
  openStackSecurityGroup: "bbe028dc-b64f-4f11-a10f-5c6d8d26dc89"
  dcaeCollectorIp: ""
  # SSH public key
  vnfPubKey: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDKXDgoo3+WOqcUG8/5uUbk81+yczgwC4Y8ywTmuQqbNxlY1oQ0YxdMUqUnhitSXs5S/yRuAVOYHwGg2mCs20oAINrP+mxBI544AMIb9itPjCtgqtE2EWo6MmnFGbHB4Sx3XioE7F4VPsh7japsIwzOjbrQe+Mua1TGQ5d4nfEOQaaglXLLPFfuc7WbhbJbK6Q7rHqZfRcOwAMXgDoBqlyqKeiKwnumddo2RyNT8ljYmvB6buz7KnMinzo7qB0uktVT05FH9Rg0CTWH5norlG5qXgP2aukL0gk1ph8iAt7uYLf1ktp+LJI2gaF6L0/qli9EmVCSLr1uJ38Q8CBflhkh"
  demoArtifactsVersion: "1.4.0"
  demoArtifactsRepoUrl: "https://nexus.onap.org/content/repositories/releases"
  scriptVersion: "1.4.0"
  # rancher node IP where RKE configired
  rancherIpAddress: ""
    # use the python utility to encrypt the OS_PASSWORD for the OS_USERNAME
  enabled: true
      openStackUserName: "OS_USERNAME_HERE"
      # OS_AUTH_URL (keep the /v3) from the openstack .RC file
      openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
      # use the SO Java utility to encrypt the OS_PASSWORD for the OS_USERNAME
  enabled: true
  replicaCount: 3
    enableClustering: true
    openStackType: "OpenStackProvider"
    openStackName: "OpenStack"
    # OS_AUTH_URL from the openstack .RC file
    openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
    openStackServiceTenantName: "OPENSTACK_PROJECT_NAME_HERE"
    openStackDomain: "OPEN_STACK_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE"
    openStackUserName: "OS_USER_NAME_HERE"
    openStackEncryptedPassword: "OPENSTACK_CLEAR_TEXT_PASSWORD_HERE"

Step 6. To setup a local Helm server to server up the ONAP charts:

> chartmuseum --storage local --storage-local-rootdir ~/helm3-storage -port 8879 &

Note the port number that is listed and use it in the Helm repo add as follows:

> helm repo add local

Step 7. Verify your Helm repository setup with:

> helm repo list

Step 8. Build a local Helm repository (from the kubernetes directory):


Sets the helm binary to be used. The default value use helm from PATH

Step 9. Display the onap charts that available to be deployed:

> helm repo update
> helm search repo onap
local/onap                    9.0.0      Istanbul      Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP)
local/aaf                     9.0.0                    ONAP Application Authorization Framework
local/aai                     9.0.0                    ONAP Active and Available Inventory
local/appc                    9.0.0                    Application Controller
local/cassandra               9.0.0                    ONAP cassandra
local/cds                     9.0.0                    ONAP Controller Design Studio (CDS)
local/clamp                   9.0.0                    ONAP Clamp
local/cli                     9.0.0                    ONAP Command Line Interface
local/common                  9.0.0                    Common templates for inclusion in other charts
local/consul                  9.0.0                    ONAP Consul Agent
local/contrib                 9.0.0                    ONAP optional tools
local/cps                     9.0.0                    ONAP Configuration Persistene Service (CPS)
local/dcaegen2                9.0.0                    ONAP DCAE Gen2
local/dgbuilder               9.0.0                    D.G. Builder application
local/dmaap                   9.0.0                    ONAP DMaaP components
local/log                     9.0.0                    ONAP Logging ElasticStack
local/mariadb-galera          9.0.0                    Chart for MariaDB Galera cluster
local/mongo                   9.0.0                    MongoDB Server
local/msb                     9.0.0                    ONAP MicroServices Bus
local/multicloud              9.0.0                    ONAP multicloud broker
local/music                   9.0.0                    MUSIC - Multi-site State Coordination Service
local/mysql                   9.0.0                    MySQL Server
local/nbi                     9.0.0                    ONAP Northbound Interface
local/network-name-gen        9.0.0                    Name Generation Micro Service
local/nfs-provisioner         9.0.0                    NFS provisioner
local/oof                     9.0.0                    ONAP Optimization Framework
local/policy                  9.0.0                    ONAP Policy Administration Point
local/pomba                   9.0.0                    ONAP Post Orchestration Model Based Audit
local/portal                  9.0.0                    ONAP Web Portal
local/postgres                9.0.0                    ONAP Postgres Server
local/robot                   9.0.0                    A helm Chart for kubernetes-ONAP Robot
local/sdc                     9.0.0                    Service Design and Creation Umbrella Helm charts
local/sdnc                    9.0.0                    SDN Controller
local/sdnc-prom               9.0.0                    ONAP SDNC Policy Driven Ownership Management
local/sniro-emulator          9.0.0                    ONAP Mock Sniro Emulator
local/so                      9.0.0                    ONAP Service Orchestrator
local/uui                     9.0.0                    ONAP uui
local/vfc                     9.0.0                    ONAP Virtual Function Controller (VF-C)
local/vid                     9.0.0                    ONAP Virtual Infrastructure Deployment
local/vnfsdk                  9.0.0                    ONAP VNF SDK


The setup of the Helm repository is a one time activity. If you make changes to your deployment charts or values be sure to use make to update your local Helm repository.

Step 10. Once the repo is setup, installation of ONAP can be done with a single command


The --timeout 900s is currently required in Dublin and later versions up to address long running initialization tasks for DMaaP and SO. Without this timeout value both applications may fail to deploy.


We’ve added the master password on the command line. You shouldn’t put it in a file for safety reason please don’t forget to change the value to something random

A space is also added in front of the command so “history” doesn’t catch it. This masterPassword is very sensitive, please be careful!

To deploy all ONAP applications use this command:

> cd oom/kubernetes
>  helm deploy dev local/onap --namespace onap --create-namespace --set global.masterPassword=myAwesomePasswordThatINeedToChange -f onap/resources/overrides/onap-all.yaml -f onap/resources/overrides/environment.yaml -f onap/resources/overrides/openstack.yaml --timeout 900s

All override files may be customized (or replaced by other overrides) as per needs.


Enables the modules in the ONAP deployment. As ONAP is very modular, it is possible to customize ONAP and disable some components through this configuration file.


Alternative version of the onap-all.yaml but with global ingress controller enabled. It requires the cluster configured with the nginx ingress controller and load balancer. Please use this file instead onap-all.yaml if you want to use experimental ingress controller feature.


Includes configuration values specific to the deployment environment.

Example: adapt readiness and liveness timers to the level of performance of your infrastructure


Includes all the OpenStack related information for the default target tenant you want to use to deploy VNFs from ONAP and/or additional parameters for the embedded tests.

Step 11. Verify ONAP installation

Use the following to monitor your deployment and determine when ONAP is ready for use:

> kubectl get pods -n onap -o=wide


While all pods may be in a Running state, it is not a guarantee that all components are running fine.

Launch the healthcheck tests using Robot to verify that the components are healthy:

> ~/oom/kubernetes/robot/ete-k8s.sh onap health

Step 12. Undeploy ONAP

> helm undeploy dev

More examples of using the deploy and undeploy plugins can be found here: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/OOM+Helm+%28un%29Deploy+plugins