vFW/Edgex with Multicloud Kubernetes Plugin: Setting Up and Configuration
This use case covers the deployment of vFW and Edgex HELM Charts in a Kubernetes based cloud region via the multicloud-k8s plugin. The multicloud-k8s plugin provides APIs to upload self-contained HELM Charts that can be customized via the profile API and later installed in a particular cloud region.
When the installation is complete (all the pods are either in running or completed state)
vFW Helm Chart link:
EdgeXFoundry Helm Chart link:
Create CSAR with Helm chart as an artifact
The CSAR is a heat template package with Helm chart in it. The basic package consists of:
an environment file
a base_dummy.yaml file (example)
a tar.gz file (of Helm chart)
These files must be zipped before onboarding. One thing to pay much attention to is the naming convention which MUST be followed while making the tgz.
NOTE: The Naming convention is for the helm chart tgz file.
Naming convention follows the format:
<free format string>_*cloudtech*_<technology>_<subtype>.extension
Cloudtech: is a fixed pattern and should not be changed if not necessary
Technology: k8s, azure, aws
Subtype: charts, day0, config template
Extension: zip, tgz, csar
NOTE: The .tgz file must be a tgz created from the top level helm chart folder. I.e. a folder that contains a Chart.yaml file in it. For vFW use case the content of tgz file must look as follows:
$ helm package firewall
$ tar -tf firewall-0.1.0.tgz
An example of the contents inside a heat template package can be found hereafter.
$ vfw-k8s/package$ ls
MANIFEST.json base_dummy.env base_dummy.yaml
vfw_cloudtech_k8s_charts.tgz vfw_k8s_demo.zip
Key thing is note the addition of cloud artifact
"name": "",
"description": "",
"data": [
"file": "base_dummy.yaml",
"type": "HEAT",
"isBase": "true",
"data": [
"file": "base_dummy.env",
"type": "HEAT_ENV"
"file": "vfw_cloudtech_k8s_charts.tgz",
It is an example of the minimal HEAT template.
## Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation
## SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
heat_template_version: 2016-10-14
description: Heat template to deploy dummy VNF
type: string
label: name of vm
description: Dummy name
type: string
label: id of vnommand to read (GET) Definition
description: Provided by ONAP
type: string
label: name of vnf
description: Provided by ONAP
type: string
label: vnf module id
description: Provided by ONAP
type: string
label: Image name or ID
description: Dummy image name
type: string
label: flavor
description: Dummy flavor
type: OS::Nova::Server
name: { get_param: dummy_name_0 }
image: { get_param: dummy_image_name }
flavor: { get_param: dummy_flavor_name } metadata: { vnf_name: { get_param: vnf_name }, vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id }, vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id }}
vf_module_id: PROVIDED_BY_ONAP
dummy_name_0: dummy_1_0
dummy_image_name: dummy
dummy_flavor_name: dummy.default
Onboard the CSAR
For onboarding instructions please refer to steps 4-9 from vFWCL instantiation, testing and debuging wiki page.
Steps for installing KUD Cloud
Follow the link to install KUD Kubernetes Deployment. KUD contains all the packages required for running vfw use case.
Kubernetes Baremetal deployment instructions can be found in Kubernetes Baremetal deployment setup instructions wiki page
You must declare the KUD as a new cloud region in ONAP thanks to ONAP multicloud API.
POST connectivity info
Create a the post.json file as follows:
"cloud-region" : "<name>", // Must be unique
"cloud-owner" : "<owner>",
"other-connectivity-list" : {
Then send the POST HTTP request as described below:
curl -i -F "metadata=<post.json;type=application/json" -F file=@
/home/ad_kkkamine/.kube/config -X POST http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/connectivity-info
GET Connectivity Info
curl -i -X GET http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/connectivity-info/{name}
DELETE Connectivity Info
curl -i -X GET http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/connectivity-info/{name}
UPDATE/PUT Connectivity Info
curl -i -X GET http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/connectivity-info/{name}
Register KUD Cloud region with AAI
A tenant must be added to the k8s cloud region. The ‘easy’ way is to have the ESR information (in step 1 of cloud registration) pointing to a real OpenStack tenant (e.g. the OOF tenant in the lab where we tested).
This will cause multicloud to add the tenant to the k8s cloud region and then, similarly to #10 in the vFW HPA casablanca official documentation, the service-subscription can be added to that object.
NOTE: use same name cloud-region and cloud-owner name
An example is shown below for K8s cloud but following the steps 1,2,3 from Multicloud Windriver Plugin documentation. The sample input below is for k8s cloud type.
Step 1: Cloud Registration/ Create a cloud region to represent the instance
Note: the highlighted part of the body refers to an existing OpenStack tenant (OOF in this case). It is provided as an illustration and must be adapted according to your configuration.
PUT https://{{AAI1_PUB_IP}}:{{AAI1_PUB_PORT}}/aai/v13/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/k8scloudowner4/k8sregionfour
"cloud-owner": "k8scloudowner4",
"cloud-region-id": "k8sregionfour",
"cloud-type": "k8s",
"owner-defined-type": "t1",
"cloud-region-version": "1.0",
"complex-name": "clli1",
"cloud-zone": "CloudZone",
"sriov-automation": false,
"esr-system-info-list": {
"esr-system-info": [
"esr-system-info-id": "55f97d59-6cc3-49df-8e69-926565f00066",
"service-url": "",
"user-name": "demo",
"password": "onapdemo",
"system-type": "VIM",
"ssl-insecure": true,
"cloud-domain": "Default",
"default-tenant": "OOF",
"tenant-id": "6bbd2981b210461dbc8fe846df1a7808",
"system-status": "active"
Step 2: Add a complex to the cloud
Adding an already existing complex is enough. You do not need to create new ones.
PUT https://{{AAI1_PUB_IP}}:{{AAI1_PUB_PORT}}/aai/v13/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/k8scloudowner4/k8sregionfour/relationship-list/relationship
"related-to": "complex",
"related-link": "/aai/v13/cloud-infrastructure/complexes/complex/clli1",
"relationship-data": [
"relationship-key": "complex.physical-location-id",
"relationship-value": "clli1"
Step 3: Trigger the Multicloud plugin registration process
POST http://{{MSB_IP}}:{{MSB_PORT}}/api/multicloud-titaniumcloud/v1/k8scloudowner4/k8sregionfour/registry
This step allws the registration of the K8S cloud with Multicloud. It also reaches out and adds tenant information to the cloud (see example below, you will see all kinds of flavor, image information that are associated with the OOF tenant).
If you did not follow the procedure described above then you will have to connect on AAI point and manually add a tenant to the cloud region.
Once the tenant declared, you can add the service-subscription to it:
Step 4: Create a Service Type
PUT https://{{AAI1_PUB_IP}}:{{AAI1_PUB_PORT}}/aai/v13/service-design-and-creation/services/service/vfw-k8s
"service-description": "vfw-k8s",
"service-id": "vfw-k8s"
Add subscription service info to the service type of the customer.
PUT https://{{AAI1_PUB_IP}}:{{AAI1_PUB_PORT}}/aai/v16/business/customers/customer/Demonstration/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/vfw-k8s
"service-type": "vfw-k8s"
Add Service-Subscription to the tenant. The parameter resource-version is a timestamp.
PUT https://{{AAI1_PUB_IP}}:{{AAI1_PUB_PORT}}/aai/v16/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/k8scloudowner4/k8sregionfour/tenants/tenant/6bbd2981b210461dbc8fe846df1a7808?resource-version=1559345527327
"tenant-id": "6bbd2981b210461dbc8fe846df1a7808",
"tenant-name": "OOF",
"resource-version": "1559345527327",
"relationship-list": {
"relationship": [
"related-to": "service-subscription",
"relationship-label": "org.onap.relationships.inventory.Uses",
"related-link": "/aai/v13/business/customers/customer/Demonstration/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/vfw-k8s",
"relationship-data": [
"relationship-key": "customer.global-customer-id",
"relationship-value": "Demonstration"
"relationship-key": "service-subscription.service-type",
"relationship-value": "vfw-k8s"
Distribute the CSAR
Once the cloud region is properly declared, it is possible to onboard the service in the SDC and triggers a distribution from the SDC to the main ONAP components. SO and other services are notified. A sdc listener is also getting the distribution information in the multicloud sidecar. When distribution happens it takes tar.gz file and uploads it to k8s plugin.
Create Profile Manually
K8s-plugin artifacts start in the form of Definitions. These are nothing but Helm Charts wrapped with some metadata about the chart itself. Once the Definitions are created, some profiles can be created. Finally it is possible to customize the definition and instantiate it in the targeted Kubernetes.
NOTE: Refer this link for complete API lists and documentation:
The profile consists in:
the manifest.yaml. It contains the details for the profile
a HELM values override yaml file: It can have any name as long as it matches the corresponding entry in the manifest.yaml
Additional files organized in a folder structure: all these files should have a corresponding entry in manifest.yaml file
Create a Profile Artifact
> cd multicloud-k8s/kud/tests/vnfs/testrb/helm/profile
> find .
# Create profile tar.gz
> cd profile
> tar -cf profile.tar *
> gzip profile.tar
> mv profile.tar.gz ../
The manifest file contains the following parameters:
version: v1
values: "values_override.yaml"
- filepath: testfol/subdir/deployment.yaml
chartpath: vault-consul-dev/templates/deployment.yaml
Note: values: “values_override.yaml” can be empty file if you are creating a dummy profile
Note: A dummy profile does not need any customization. The following is optional in the manifest file.
- filepath: testfol/subdir/deployment.yaml
chartpath: vault-consul-dev/templates/deployment.yaml
The name of the Definition is retrived from SDC service distribution stage.
Retrieve the definition name
Execute the following command on the ONAP K8s Rancher host to read the definition name and its version:
kubectl logs -n onap `kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | grep multicloud-k8s | head -1` -c multicloud-k8s
From the output read the name of the definition which is “rb-name” and “rb-version” respectively - - [15/Jul/2019:07:56:21 +0000] "POST /v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/1/content HTTP/1.1"
Get definition
With this information, it is possible to upload the profile with the following JSON data
"rb-name": "test-rbdef",
"rb-version": "1",
"profile-name": "p1",
"release-name": "r1", //If release-name is not provided, profile-name will be used
"namespace": "testnamespace1",
"kubernetes-version": "1.13.5"
Create Profile
curl -i -d @create_rbprofile.json -X POST http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/1/profile
UPLOAD artifact for Profile
curl -i --data-binary @profile.tar.gz -X POST http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/1/profile/p1/content
GET Profiles
curl -i http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/1/profile
# Get one Profile
curl -i http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/1/profile/p1
DELETE Profile
curl -i -X DELETE http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/1/profile/p1
Instantiation is done by SO. SO then talks to Multi Cloud-broker via MSB and that in turn looks up the cloud region in AAI to find the endpoint. If k8sregion one is properly registered in AAI (SO check), then the broker will know that it needs to talk to k8s-plugin based on the type of the registration.
Instantiate the created Profile via the following REST API
Using the following JSON:
"cloud-region": "kud",
"profile-name": "p1",
"labels": {
NOTE: Make sure that the namespace is already created before instantiation.
Instantiate the profile with the ID provided above
Instantiate a Profile
curl -d @create_rbinstance.json http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/instance
The command shall return the following JSON
"id": "ZKMTSaxv",
"rb-name": "mongo",
"rb-version": "1",
"profile-name": "profile1",
"cloud-region": "kud",
"namespace": "testns",
"resources": [
"GVK": {
"Group": "",
"Version": "v1",
"Kind": "Service"
"Name": "mongo"
"GVK": {
"Group": "",
"Version": "v1",
"Kind": "Service"
"Name": "mongo-read"
"GVK": {
"Group": "apps",
"Version": "v1beta1",
"Kind": "StatefulSet"
"Name": "profile1-mongo"
Delete Instantiated Kubernetes resources
The id field from the returned JSON can be used to DELETE the resources created in the previous step. This executes a Delete operation using the Kubernetes API.
curl -X DELETE http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/instance/ZKMTSaxv
GET Instantiated Kubernetes resources
The id field from the returned JSON can be used to GET the resources created in the previous step. This executes a get operation using the Kubernetes API.
curl -X GET http://MSB_NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/instance/ZKMTSaxv
Create User parameters
We need to create parameters that ultimately get translated as:
"user_directives": {
"attributes": [
"attribute_name": "definition-name",
"attribute_value": "edgex"
"attribute_name": "definition-version",
"attribute_value": "v1"
"attribute_name": "profile-name",
"attribute_value": "profile1"