
Where to Access Log Information





Jetty server log

Tomcat server information


Application audit

An audit record is created in response to code transactions/operations taking place in VID. For instance “start logging”.


Application logging

This log describes internal flows within VID.


Application logging

Higher level logging can be enabled on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker. The file is located under: WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml. This log holds the application’s debug and trace level output.


Application logging

This log holds the application’s exceptions info and error level output.


Application logging

This log holds the metrics info on application’s transactions.

How to create error report

In case of error appearance a red button with “Create report” on it, will show up.

_images/VID_errorReportButton.png _images/VID_errorReportSDC.png

Pressing that button will show window with data collected from GUI and fetched from API.


That data may be download by pressing “download” button. After closing the report window, data may not be available.