Certificates (From AAF)

DCAE service components will use common certifcates generated from AAF/test instance and made available during deployment of DCAE TLS init container.

DCAE has a generalized process of certificate distribution as documented here - https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-dcaegen2/en/latest/sections/tls_enablement.html

The updated certificates are located in https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/deployments/tree/tls-init-container/tls

Certificates (Manual configuration of self-signed certifcates)

Configuration of Certificates in test environment(For FTP over TLS):

DFC supports two protocols: FTPES and SFTP. For FTPES, it is mutual authentication with certificates. In our test environment, we use vsftpd to simulate xNF, and we generate self-signed keys & certificates on both vsftpd server and DFC.

1. Generate key/certificate with openssl for DFC:

openssl genrsa -out dfc.key 2048
openssl req -new -out dfc.csr -key dfc.key
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in dfc.csr -signkey dfc.key -out dfc.crt

2. Generate key & certificate with openssl for vsftpd:

openssl genrsa -out ftp.key 2048
openssl req -new -out ftp.csr -key ftp.key
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ftp.csr -signkey ftp.key -out ftp.crt

3. Configure java keystore in DFC:

We have two keystore files, one for TrustManager, one for KeyManager.

For TrustManager:

  1. First, convert your certificate in a DER format :

openssl x509 -outform der -in ftp.crt -out ftp.der
  1. And after copy existing keystore and password from container:

kubectl cp <DFC pod>:/opt/app/datafile/etc/cert/trust.jks trust.jks
kubectl cp <DFC pod>:/opt/app/datafile/etc/cert/trust.pass trust.pass
  1. Import DER certificate in the keystore :

keytool -import -alias ftp -keystore trust.jks -file ftp.der

For KeyManager:

  1. Import dfc.crt and dfc.key to dfc.jks. This is a bit troublesome.

Convert x509 Cert and Key to a pkcs12 file

openssl pkcs12 -export -in dfc.crt -inkey dfc.key -out cert.p12 -name dfc

Note: Make sure you put a password on the p12 file - otherwise you’ll get a null reference exception when you try to import it.

  1. Create password files for cert.p12

    printf “[your password]” > p12.pass

4. Update existing KeyStore files

Copy the new trust.jks and cert.p12 and password files from local environment to the DFC container.

5. Update configuration in consul

Change path in consul:
Consul’s address: http://<worker external IP>:<Consul External Port>

6. Configure vsftpd:

update /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf:





7. Other conditions

This has been tested with vsftpd and dfc, with self-signed certificates. In real deployment, we should use ONAP-CA signed certificate for DFC, and vendor-CA signed certificate for xNF