The tests folder contains the uat.yaml file for execution the cba actions for sunny day and rainy day scenario using mock data. The process to generate the uat file is documented TBD. The file can be dragged and drop to the Tests folder after the test for all actions are executed.
NOTE: You need to activate the “uat” Spring Boot profile in order to enable the spy/verify endpoints.
They are disabled by default because the mocks created at runtime can potentially cause collateral problems in production.
You can either pass an option to JVM (-Dspring.profiles.active=uat
) or set and export an
environment variable (export spring_profiles_active=uat
A quick outline of the UAT generation process follows:
Create a minimum
containing only the NB requests to be sent to the BlueprintsProcessor (BPP) service;Submit the blueprint CBA and this draft
to BPP in a single HTTP POST call:curl -u ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps -F cba=@<path to your CBA file> -F uat=@<path to the draft uat.yaml> http://localhost:8080/api/v1/uat/spy
If your environment is properly setup, at the end this service will generate the complete
;Revise the generate file, eventually removing superfluous message fields;
Include this file in your CBA under
;Submit the candidate CBA + UAT to be validated by BPP, that now will create runtime mocks to simulate all SB collaborators, by running:
$ curl -u ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps -F cba=@<path to your CBA file> http://localhost:8080/api/v1/uat/verify
Once validated, your CBA enhanced with its corresponding UAT is eligible to be integrated into the CDS project, under the folder
Reference link for sample generated uat.yaml file for pnf plug & play use case: uat.yaml file.
As UAT is part of unit testing, it runs in jenkins job ccsdk-cds-master-verify-java whenever a new commit/patch pushed on gerrit in ccsdk/cds repo.
Executing UAT based test inside you own CBA as SpringBootTest based JUnit test
Beside the above mentioned internal usage of UATs, it is also possible to execute the User Acceptance Tests (UATs) locally inside your own CBA as a “simple JUnit” test. Therefor there exists an abstract SpringBootTest class BaseBlueprintsAcceptanceTest (see class in archetype-blueprint). From this you need to implement an inherited class e.g. BlueprintAcceptanceSunnyTest (see class in archetype-blueprint), which only needs to specify the uat.yaml file, that should be executed. This means it is possible to simply integrate this kind of tests in your own regression test suite.
UATs aims to fully test your workflow of your CBA.
The BPP runs in an almost production-like configuration with some minor exceptions:
It uses an embedded, in-memory, and initially empty H2 database, running in MySQL/MariaDB compatibility mode;
All external services are mocked.
For further information about User Acceptance Tests (UATs) see the following README.md inside the CDS repository
Link to uat-blueprints README.md in CDS Github repository
Additionally please mention, that you also need resources, which configures the SpringBootTest. These resources you can also find in the archetype-blueprint (Tests/resources folder).
To have a good starting point with your cba development, please generate the cba archetype-blueprint project with the following command.
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.onap.ccsdk.cds.components.cba \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=archetype-blueprint \
-DarchetypeVersion=1.5.0-SNAPSHOT \
-DgroupId=org.onap.ccsdk.cds.components.cba \
-DartifactId=testUat \
There you will find the above mentioned base class, sample class and resources you could use as a starting point for writing UAT tests inside your own CBA.