The idea is that the CBA is a self-sufficient package, hence requires all the various types definition its using.
Reason for this is the types its using might evolve. In order for the CBA to be bounded to the version it has been using when it has been designed, these types are embedded in the CBA, so if they change, the CBA is not affected.
The enrichment process will complete the package by providing all the definition of types used:
gather all the node-type used and put them into a
filegather all the data-type used and put them into a
filegather all the artifact-type used and put them into a
filegather all the data dictionary definitions used from within the mapping files and put them into a
Before uploading a CBA, it must be enriched. If your package is already enrich, you do not need to perform enrichment again.
The enrichment can be run using REST API, and required the .zip file as input.
It will return an enriched-cba.zip
curl -X POST \
'http://{{ip}}:{{cds-designtime}}/api/v1/blueprint-model/enrich' \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \
-F file=@cba.zip
The enrichment process will also, for all resources to be resolved as input and default:
dynamically gather them under a data-type, named
will add it as a input of the workflow, as follow using this name:
Example for workflow named resource-assignment:
"resource-assignment-properties": {
"required": true,
"type": "dt-resource-assignment-properties"