
The VNF Validation Platform (VVP) can be run from source as a normal Python executable or a Docker image is provided. This section will describe how to setup and install the vvp/validation-scripts and run from source.

Installation and configuration of Docker is beyond the scope of this document, but you can refer to the Docker Execution instructions for more details on running the validations as from the Docker image.


This document assumes you have the following system-level utilities installed.

Please refer to the respective sites for these tools for the appropriate installation instructions for your given operating system.


The source code for VVP can be obtained from the ONAP Gerrit site or its GitHub mirror.

  1. Clone the source from your desired repository host:

    Choose one of the following git clone commands:

    > git clone
    > git clone
  2. (Optional) If desired, you can create a virtual Python environment to avoid installing VVP’s dependencies in your system level installation of Python:

    > python -m venv vvp
    > source vvp/activate
  3. Install the required dependencies with the following command:

    > python pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. If you plan to make code changes, then initialize the standard git commit hooks by initializing pre-commit:

    > pre-commit install