VNF SDK OOM Installation


All operations must be executed at RKE - log in at RKE.

How to install VNF SDK with ONAP from OOM:

1. Uninstall all components

helm undeploy dev –purge

TIP: Operation takes about 30-60 minutes. Please wait until it ends.

2. Clear all what have left

Execute below command:

for resource in deployment statefulset job pod pvc pv; do kubectl -n onap delete $resource –all –force –grace-period=0 & done

cd /dockerdata-nfs/dev/ sudo rm -rf *

3. Remove namespace

kubectl delete namespace onap

4. After changes in component in directory oom/kubernetes execute:

make vnfsdk

NOTE: This folder is in /home/ubuntu folder If you need to change a refrepo image or do other modifications, you need to make changes in values.yaml. Mentioned file is in /home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/vnfsdk.

5. Then you have to make entire ONAP project

make onap -e SKIP_LINT=TRUE

6. Install ONAP on lab:

If there is file in directory oom/kubernetes, pls execute below command.



helm deploy dev local/onap –namespace onap -f onap/resources/overrides/onap-all.yaml -f ./openstack-30-elalto.yaml –timeout 1000s –verbose 2>&1 | tee ~/helm-installation-manual.log

How to update only VNF SDK component from OOM

1. Uninstall VNF SDK Component

helm undeploy dev-vnfsdk –purge

2. Clear all what have left

sudo rm -rf /dockerdata-nfs/dev/vnfsdk/

3. After changes in component in directory oom/kubernetes execute:

make vnfsdk

NOTE: This folder is in /home/ubuntu folder If you need to change a refrepo image or do other modifications, you need to make changes in values.yaml. Mentioned file is in /home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/vnfsdk.

4. Then you have to make entire ONAP project

make onap -e SKIP_LINT=TRUE

5. Install ONAP on lab

helm deploy dev-vnfsdk local/onap –namespace onap -f onap/resources/overrides/onap-all.yaml -f ./openstack-30-elalto.yaml –timeout 1000s –verbose 2>&1 | tee ~/helm-installation-manual.log

How to upgrade Refrepo in VNF SDK from OOM:

1. Edit Refrepo image in VNF SDK Ddeployment

kubectl -n onap edit deployment dev-vnfsdk

then change:

imagePullPolicy: Always
name: vnfsdk

2. Check if VNF SDK works

curl –insecure -i -H “Accept: application/json” -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X GET https://WORKER_IP:REFREPO_PORT/onapapi/vnfsdk-marketplace/v1/vtp/scenarios

NOTE: To get information about REFREPO_PORT, pls execute:

kubectl -n onap get service | grep refrepo

3. Enter at vnfsdkmarketplace UI

Getting into VNF SDK pod

1. Enter the VNF SDK pod

kubectl -n onap exec -it <vnfsdk pod> /bin/bash

NOTE: To find <vnfsdk pod> execute: kubectl -n onap get pod | grep vnfsdk

2. To check logs go to /service/logs

cd /service/logs

and then you can see vnfsdkmarketplace logs executing:

cat vnfsdkmarketplace.log

or catalina logs executing:

cat catalina.out