Cli Regist Vnfm Command Guide =============================== 1. Register-vnfm ---------------- :: usage: oclip vnfm-create Register a VNFM in Onap Options: [-m | --host-url] [-C | --no-catalog] [-f | --format] [-h | --help] [-e | --vendor] [-V | --verify] [-t | --no-title] [-d | --debug] [-v | --version] [-y | --vnfm-id] [-c | --type] [-x | --vim-id] [-s | --long] [-D | --context] [-j | --password] [-b | --name] [-i | --username] [-u | --host-username] [-g | --url] [-a | --no-auth] [-q | --vnfm-version] [-z | --certificate-url] [-p | --host-password] Error: On error, it prints :::: For example: 'oclip vnfm-create -b {} -c {} -e {} -v {} -g {} -x {} -i {} -j {} -q {} \ -m {} -u {} -p {}'.format(vnfm_key, values.get("type"), values.get("vendor"), \ values.get("version"), values.get("url"), values.get("vim-id"), \ values.get("user-name"), values.get("user-password"), values.get("vnfm-version"), \ parameters["aai_url"], parameters["aai_username"], parameters["aai_password"]) 2. vnfm list --------------- :: usage: oclip vnfm-list List the configured vnfm Product: onap-dublin Service: aai Author: ONAP CLI Team Options: [-m | --host-url] [-C | --no-catalog] [-f | --format] [-h | --help] [-V | --verify] [-t | --no-title] [-d | --debug] [-v | --version] [-s | --long] [-D | --context] [-u | --host-username] [-a | --no-auth] [-p | --host-password] For example: "oclip vnfm-list -m {} -u {} -p {}".format(parameters["aai_url"], parameters["aai_username"], \ parameters["aai_password"]) 3. vnfm-delete ----------------- :: usage: oclip vnfm-delete Un-register a VNFM in Onap Options: [-m | --host-url] [-C | --no-catalog] [-f | --format] [-h | --help] [-V | --verify] [-t | --no-title] [-d | --debug] [-v | --version] [-y | --resource-version] [-x | --vnfm-id] [-s | --long] [-D | --context] [-u | --host-username] [-a | --no-auth] [-p | --host-password] For example: oclip vnfm-delete -m -uAAI -p AAI -x 4839a0bc-60d1-4346-9c69-185d0962633b -y 1568450136276 Note: vnfm-id and resource-version is the result returned after executing the vnfm-list command(command 2)