.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 ======================================================= Externalized Testing & VTP Certifications Query Feature ======================================================= The Certifications Query and VTP (External to SDC) testing feature was added to Dublin to allow SDC onboarding to reach outside of SDC for testing of VSPs being onboarded. These tests include queries for existing certification results for prior versions of the VSP and testing of CSAR or HEAT metadata via tests in or downstream of VTP. The design includes the ability to configure (see configuration below) multiple endpoints that SDC onboarding reaches out to for external testing. This diagram presents the architecture to be achieved in Dublin or a future release given the resources available. .. image:: images/sdc-vtp-opnfv.png New and Impacted Code ===================== The new code for this feature follows the software design of the existing onboarding BE. New code is isolated into two new subprojects contained within openecomp-be within minimal hooks elsewhere. *New code*: Code that creates an HTTP endpoint exposed to the SDC-FE for this feature is contained in this package: package: api/openecomp-sdc-rest-webapp/externaltesting-rest/externaltesting-rest-services Code to hold data types for the VTP API and the implemation of the interface to VTP is contained in these packages: Provide the API and serialization classes for the REST API to VTP package: lib/openecomp-sdc-externaltesting-lib/openecomp-sdc-externaltesting-api Implementation of the interface to VTP and Registry that are available for the HTTP endpoint above. package: lib/openecomp-sdc-externaltesting-lib/openecomp-sdc-externaltesting-impl *Updated Code*: To hook this new code into the web app, these additional changes were made: * api/openecomp-sdc-rest-webapp/pom.xml - Updated pom to include new module to build. * api/openecomp-sdc-rest-webapp/onboarding-rest-war/pom.xml - Update pom to include externaltesting libraries. * api/openecomp-sdc-rest-webapp/onboarding-rest-war - Update src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/beans-services.xml so that the external testing service beans are instantiated. Configuration ============= Configuration was added to the onboarding backend yaml in order to know the URLs to reach VTP and external testing sources. The full configuration is documented in the configuration section of this manual. For details, see the BE-onboarding-configuration.yaml section. Here is an example of the yaml. :: # External Testing Configuration externalTestingConfig: #array of endpoints that SDC-BE should connect with for external testing endpoints: // ID for endpoint - id: vtp // what format of post request does the endpoint accept for runs - json or multi-part form postStyle: application/json // is this enpoint enabled or disabled. enabled: false // base URL for the endpoint url: http://ec2-34-237-35-152.compute-1.amazonaws.com:9090 // optional api key to pass in header to endpoint apiKey: blahblahblah - id: certifications repository postStyle: application/json url: http://ec2-34-237-35-152.compute-1.amazonaws.com:9090 enabled: true apiKey: blahblahblah2