Setting up ========== Dependencies ------------ In order to build Portal BE applications on your machine, you'll need to install the following: 1. OpenJDK 8 2. Maven 3. Docker 4. Docker Compose Cloning the Portal repository --------------------------------- Clone the Portal repository with git: :: git clone --depth 1 "" Building ----------------- :: cd portal-BE/ If you get this error "unable to prepare context: path ".\r" not found" please use this command dos2unix ./ Viewing your app ---------------- :: http://localhost:8080/login To log in, use user/password 'demo/demo123'. .. _access the h2-console: http://localhost:8080/h2-console/ Change: Saved Settings: Generic MySQL Driver Class: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver JDBC URL: jdbc:mysql://portal-db:3306/testdb User Name: portal Password: Test123456