The Policy Framework GUI Server

The gui-server microservice serves the GUI code to the browser for Policy Framework UI. In addition, it acts as a single point of reference for the REST interfaces provided by policy-api, policy-pap, and acm-runtime. It can also be used as a HTTPS gatewy for REST references into a Policy Framework deployment in a Kubernetes cluster.

The gui-server is a regular microservice, and it is packaged, delivered and configured as a docker image. It is a Spring application and therefore uses a normal Spring-style applciation.yaml approach to configuration.

Definitive example configurations are available in the codebase:

The configuration parameters are explained in the sections below

Server Configuration

Configuration for HTTP access to gui-server:

  port: 2443
    enabled: false

Start gui-server on port 2443 and disable SSL.

Configuration for HTTPS access to gui-server:

  port: 2443
    enabled: true
    enabled-protocols: TLSv1.2
    client-auth: want
    key-store: file:./src/test/resources/helloworld-keystore.jks
    key-store-password: changeit
    trust-store: file:./src/test/resources/helloworld-truststore.jks
    trust-store-password: changeit

Start gui-server on port 2443 and enable SSL with the parameters specified above

Note that other standard Spring server configuraiton parameters as documented on the Spring website are supported.

Runtime Adaptation Configuration

You can configure the adaptation for policy-api, policy-pap, and runtime-acm. In other words, you can map the URL that the GUI produced or that you want to use in a REST tool such as postman or curl in the runtime-ui part of the aaplication.yaml file:

    mapping-path: "/runtime-ui/policy-api/restservices/"
    url: http://localhost:30440
    disable-ssl-validation: true
    disable-ssl-hostname-check: true
    mapping-path: "/runtime-ui/policy-pap/restservices/"
    url: http://localhost:30442
    disable-ssl-validation: true
    disable-ssl-hostname-check: true
    mapping-path: "/runtime-ui/acm/restservices/"
    url: http://localhost:30258
    disable-ssl-validation: true
    disable-ssl-hostname-check: true

The parameters under the policy-api, policy-pap, and acm sections are identical.

mapping-path and url

The mapping-path is the root part of the path that will be replaced by the url, the url replaces the mapping-path.

Therefore, using the configuration above for policy-api, the following mapping occurs:


maps to




maps to


disable-ssl-validation and disable-ssl-hostname-check

The disable-ssl-validation disable-ssl-hostname-check are boolean values. If the target server (policy-api, policy-pap, or runtime-acm) is using http, these values should be set to false. If the target server is using HTTPS, set the values as true so that the gui-server transfers and forwards certificates to target servers.

Spring Boot Acuator Monitoring

The gui-server supports regular Spring Boot Actuator monitoring and monitoring over prometheus.

The following section of the application.yaml* file is an example of how to enable monitoring:

      base-path: /
        include: health,metrics,prometheus
      path-mapping.metrics: plain-metrics
      path-mapping.prometheus: metrics

The configuration above enables the following URLs:

# Health Check

# Plain Metrics

# Prometheus Metrics