.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Logging ============================================= HAS uses a single logger, oslo, across all the components. The logging format is compliant with the EELF recommendations, including having the following logs: error, audit, metric, application. The log statements follow the following format (values default to preset values when missing): Timestamp|RequestId|ServiceInstanceId|ThreadId|Virtual Server Name|ServiceName|InstanceUUID|Log Level|Alarm Severity Level|Server IP Address|HOST NAME|Remote IP Address|Class name|Timer|Detailed Message The logger util module can be found at: <>/has/conductor/conductor/common/utils/conductor_logging_util.py Log File Rotation ----------------- Sample ``logrotate.d`` configuration files have been provided in the repository. To install, place all Conductor `logrotate files `__ in ``/etc/logrotate.d``. Set file ownership and permissions: .. code:: bash $ sudo chown root:root /etc/logrotate.d/conductor* $ sudo chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/conductor* ``logrotate.d`` automatically recognizes new files at the next log rotation opportunity and does not require restarting.