
Roles and Permissions

Roles and permissions for DMaaP BC API are configured in connected AAF instance if UseAAF flag is set.
The roles and permissions are being provisioned to AAF instance during DMaaP BC instance initialization phase only when AAF is in use.
The default namespace in AAF for storing Bus Controller API roles and permissions is org.onap.dmaap-bc.api.
Separate permission is created for every HTTP method on each DMaaP BC REST api endpoint.
Refer to Offered APIs for comprehensive api information.
Default name for DMaaP instance in ONAP is mr which is reflected in instance part of every created permission under DMaaP BC API.
Exception of above rule is for /dmaap endpoint where additionally set of permissions for boot instance is defined:
These permissions are needed during DMaaP initialization phase, until real instance is configured. This set of permissions is also provided in AAF instance by default.
DMaaP BC api permissions are distributed between several predefined roles:
Predefined roles brief description:
  • Controller - contains all permissions to DMaaP BC REST api, and should be assigned to identities which requires full admin rights to DMaaP BC, like dmaap-bc service identity itself.

  • Inventory - role defined for functions which require ReadOnly access to the resources provided on DMaaP BC api.

  • Metrics - role designed to be used by external function which examines the counts of topics that were replicating between different MR instances. Main permission of this role is to read from DMaaP BC bridge endpoint.

  • Orchestrator - main role containing all permissions, which client micro-service might need. One of the example functions is dmaap plugin which is part of DCAE. The difference between this and Controller role is that Orchestrator is not responsible for deploying new k8s cluster or a message-router into that cluster, so it has limited, RO access to dmaap and dcaeLocations endpoints.

  • PortalUser - role designed to be used in DMaaP Bus Controller Web App, which is based on the ONAP Portal SDK. If the UI app is deployed and available in ONAP Portal, portal users which will use DMaaP BC Web App shall be assigned to this role.

Bus Controller API security options

There are three main properties in responsible for configuring DMaaP BC API security option.
These are enableCADI, useAAF, ApiPermission.Class. Below table describes purpose of each property:






If set to true CADI filter is enabled on BC REST api and authorization is performed through connected AAF instance. Otherwise legacy authorization mechanism is used, which depends on api policy defined with ApiPermission.Class property setting.



The purpose of this flag is to configure if specific namespaces, roles, and permissions should be created in AAF instance when calling some of DMaaP BC api endpoints. Setting it to true will cause automatic operation in AAF:

  • create set of BC API permissions and assign it to predefined roles during DMaaP instance init

  • create topic namespace, permissions and roles when secure topic is created using topics endpoint

  • assign mr client to specified role in AAF when adding new client for the topic using mr_clients endpoint and clientRole defined in request


  • org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.authentication.AllowAll

  • org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.authentication.AafLurAndFish

when CADI filter is not in use, API security is fulfilled with policy defined by class given in this property. Currently available options are:

  • AllowAll - authentication and authorization is skipped, everyone can invoke any method from BC API

  • AafLurAndFish - authentication and authorization is performed with direct call to AAF instance

This property allows to define custom policy, for example to external authorization system by implementing ApiAuthorizationCheckInterface


When CADI filter is in use it caches internally authorization information for the identities calling BC api by default for 10 minutes.
It can have negative impact on the functions which needs to call the api several times and use newly created permissions in next call.
CADI cache time can be changed by setting aaf_user_expires property (value in ms) in DMaaP BC file.
However the lowest achievable cache expiration time is 1 min due to internal CADI framework logic.

Security properties combination and its implications


DMaaP-MR references in below table are used only to describe security Use Case between DMaaP internal components.
To set-up DMaaP-MR security options properly, please refer DMaaP Message Router documentation.
Each properties combination takes effect only on DMaaP BC API security.

Properties combination

Security result

Use Case

enableCADI = true
useAAF = true
ApiPermission.Class N/A
AAF is in use for DMaaP-BC and DMaaP-MR can also rely on AAF.
CADI filter is in use, authorization data caching is in use, function can authorize using x509 certificate or Basic Auth.
DMaaP-BC - secured with AAF
DMaaP-MR - secured with AAF
enableCADI = true
useAAF = false
ApiPermission.Class N/A
AAF is not in use for resources configuration.
CADI filter is in use, authorization data caching is in use, function can authorize using x509 certificate or Basic Auth.
DMaaP-BC - secured with AAF
DMaaP-MR - unsecured
enableCADI = false
useAAF = true
ApiPermission.Class = <pckg>.AafLurAndFish
AAF is in use for DMaaP-BC and DMaaP-MR can also rely on AAF.
Legacy authorization is in use, no caching for authorization data, function can authorize using Basic Auth only.
DMaaP-BC - secured with AAF
DMaaP-MR - secured with AAF
enableCADI = false
useAAF = false
ApiPermission.Class = <pckg>.AafLurAndFish
AAF is not in use for resources configuration.
Legacy authorization is in use, no caching for authorization data, function can authorize using Basic Auth only.
DMaaP-BC - secured with AAF
DMaaP-MR - unsecured
enableCADI = false
useAAF = true
ApiPermission.Class = <pckg>.AllowAll
AAF is in use for DMaaP-BC resources and DMaaP-MR can also rely on AAF.
No authentication and authorization is performed on DMaaP BC REST api
DMaaP-BC - unsecured
DMaaP-MR - secured with AAF
enableCADI = false
useAAF = false
ApiPermission.Class = <pckg>.AllowAll
AAF is not in use for resources configuration.
No authentication and authorization is performed on DMaaP BC REST api
DMaaP-BC - unsecured
DMaaP-MR - unsecured

SSL DMaaP Certificates and Configuration

Configuration related to ssl can be found in the File is located in the /opt/app/dmaapbc/etc on the dmaap-bc pod. Directory contains also truststore and keystore files used in the ssl setup. Each change in the configuration file requires restart of the application container

#   Allow http access to API
HttpAllowed:        true
#   The port number for http as seen within the server
IntHttpPort:        8080
#   The port number for https as seen within the server
#   Set to 0 if no certificate is available yet...
IntHttpsPort:       8443
#   The external port number for https taking port mapping into account
ExtHttpsPort:       443
#   The type of keystore for https
KeyStoreType:       jks
#   The path to the keystore for https
KeyStoreFile:       etc/keystore
#   The password for the https keystore
KeyStorePassword:   <keystore_password>
#   The password for the private key in the https keystore
KeyPassword:        <key_password>
#   The type of truststore for https
TrustStoreType:     jks
#   The path to the truststore for https
TrustStoreFile:     etc/
#   The password for the https truststore
TrustStorePassword: <truststore_password>

AAF configuration

Usage of AAF can be turned on/off by setting UseAAF flag to true/false in the file. By default AAF usage is turned on. Property points to absolute path of the property file generated by AAF for the DMaaP BC application ( user). This file is one of the AAF configuration files enabling authentication and authorization for DMaaP BC REST API.

# AAF Properties:
UseAAF: true

# path to
# /opt/app/osaaf/local/org.onap.dmaap-bc.props
Complete AAF configuration consist of following files:
  • org.onap.dmaap-bc.props - main configuration file

  • org.onap.dmaap-bc.location.props - geographic coordinates of the application

  • org.onap.dmaap-bc.cred.props - properties related to credentials, keystore and truststore

  • org.onap.dmaap-bc.keyfile - keyfile

  • org.onap.dmaap-bc.p12 - keystore

  • - truststore

All listed files are located in the /opt/app/dmaapbc/etc directory.
File org.onap.dmaap-bc.props links together all property files by defining them in the cadi_prop_files property.
By default all paths to other AAF related configuration points to /opt/app/osaaf/local/ directory.
This directory is default location that can be changed during generation of configuration files in the AAF application.
In order to not duplicate mentioned files on the dmaap-bc pod following symbolic link is created in the filesystem:
ln -s /opt/app/dmaapbc/etc /opt/app/osaaf/local

User configured and used in DMaaP BC

It is main user for the DMaaP BC application. It has permissions to validate if user accessing DMaaP BC REST api has appropriate permissions to perform an action.

AAF Permissions

List Permissions by User[]
PERM Type                      Instance                       Action
org.onap.dmaap-bc.api.access   *                              read
org.onap.dmaap-bc.certman      local                          request,ignoreIPs,showpass
org.onap.dmaap-dr.feed         *                              *
org.onap.dmaap-dr.sub          *                              *       *                              *        *                              *        *                              view create,destroy

When UseAAF is set to true then creating topic also will create required perms in AAF. The perms will be created in namespace. User dmaap-bc-topic-mgr is used in the process of creating such permissions.

Topic name:



AAF Permissions

List Permissions by User[]
PERM Type                                  Instance                       Action
org.onap.dmaap-dr.feed                     *                              *
org.onap.dmaap-dr.sub                      *                              *         *                              *  *                              *                   *                              *         *                              *              *                              admin              *                              user                    *                              view pub sub create destroy

This user is used in the process of the post-installation during which appropriate namespaces and permissions are created in AAF.