.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. _dl-installation-helm: Helm Installation ================= DL-handler consists of three pods- the feeder, admin UI and des. It can be deployed by using helm charts. The following steps guides you launch datalake though helm. Pre-requisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Datalake postgres should be properly deployed and functional. - Presto service should be deployed for des deployment.Here is a sample how presto is deployed in the environment. Deploying presto service: The package of presto version we are using is v0.0.2:presto-v0.0.2.tar.gz #docker build -t presto:v0.0.2 . #docker tag presto:v0.0.2 registry.baidubce.com/onap/presto:v0.0.2 #docker push registry.baidubce.com/onap/presto:v0.0.2 Note: Replace the repository path with your own repository. #kubectl -n onap run dl-presto --image=registry.baidubce.com/onap/presto:v0.0.2 --env="MongoDB_IP=" --env="MongoDB_PORT=27017" #kubectl -n onap expose deployment dl-presto --port=9000 --target-port=9000 --type=NodePort Note: MonoDB_IP and Mongo_PORT you can replace this two values with your own configuration. - The environment should have helm and kubernetes installed. - Check whether all the charts mentioned in the requirements.yaml file are present in the charts/ folder. If not present, package the respective chart and put it in the charts/ folder. For example: .. code-block:: bash helm package Deployment steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Validate the charts using below commands .. code-block:: bash helm lint helm lint helm lint Deploy the charts using below commands .. code-block:: bash helm install --namespace onap --set global.masterPassword= helm install --namespace onap --set global.masterPassword= helm install --namespace onap --set global.masterPassword= For checking logs of the containers .. code-block:: bash kubectl logs -f -n onap -c kubectl logs -f -n onap -c kubectl logs -f -n onap -c To un-deploy .. code-block:: bash helm uninstall helm uninstall helm uninstall Application configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Datalake-admin-ui: +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |Configuration | Description | +===============================+================================================+ |FEEDER_ADDR | Host where dl-feeder is running | +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ Datalake-feeder: +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |Configuration | Description | +===============================+================================================+ |PRESTO_HOST | Host where the presto application is running | +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |PG_HOST | Host where the postgres application is running | +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |CONSUL_HOST | Host where counsul loader container is running | +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |PG_DB | Postgress database name | +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ Datalake-Des: +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |Configuration | Description | +===============================+================================================+ |PRESTO_HOST | Host where the presto application is running | +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |PG_HOST | Host where the postgres application is running | +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |PG_DB | Postgress database name | +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+