
An environment suitable for running docker containers is recommended.

Using Cloudify deployment

The first possibility is to use blueprints and cfy commands.

Deployment Prerequisite/dependencies

Make sure that cfy is installed and configured to work with the Cloudify deployment.

Make sure the Message Router and Data Router are running.

Deployment steps

  1. Execute bash on the cloudify manager kubernetes pod.

    kubectl -n onap exec -it <dev-dcaegen2-dcae-cloudify-manager> bash

  2. Download the dfc blueprint.

  1. Run Cloudify Install command to install dfc.

    cfy install <dfc-blueprint-path>

Sample output:

cfy install k8s-datafile.yaml

Run ‘cfy events list -e 37da3f5f-a06b-4ce8-84d3-8b64ccd81c33’ to retrieve the execution’s events/logs.


curl <dcaegen2-dcae-healthcheck> and check if datafile-collector is in ‘ready’ state.

Standalone deployment of a container

DFC is delivered as a docker container based on openjdk:8-jre-alpine. The host or VM that will run this container must have the docker application loaded and available to the userID that will be running the DFC container.

Also required is a working DMAAP/MR and DMAAP/DR environment. DFC subscribes to DMAAP/MR fileReady event as JSON messages and publishes the downloaded files to the DMAAP/DR.


The following command will download the Frankfurt version of the datafile image from nexus and launch it in the container named “datafile”:

docker run -d -p 8100:8100 -p 8433:8433

For another version, it is possible to replace the tag ‘1.2.3’ with any version that seems suitable (including latest). Available images are visible following this link.

Another option is to pull the image first, and then run the image’s container with the image ID:

docker pull

docker images | grep 'datafile'

docker run -d -p 8100:8100 -p 8433:8433 <image ID>

The grep command will display the images corresponding to DFC. There can be several due to remotely or locally built image, and also to different tags, i.e. different versions.
