CPS Scheduled Processes


The following section is a list of the current scheduled processes running within the CPS system.

Module Sync

The module sync is a user configurable timed process, which is set to search for CM-Handles within CPS with an ‘ADVISED’ state. Once the CM-Handle(s) is processed by the module sync, the CM-Handle state is then set to ‘READY’, if the process completes successfully. If for any reason the module sync fails, the CM-Handle state will then be set to ‘LOCKED’, and the reason for the lock will also be stored within CPS.

Data Sync

The data sync is a user configurable timed process, which is set to search for CM-Handles with a sync state of ‘UNSYNCHRONIZED’. Once the CM-Handle(s) with a sync state of ‘UNSYNCHRONIZED’ is processed by the data sync, the CM-Handle sync state is then set to ‘SYNCHRONIZED’, if the process completes successfully. If the data sync fails, the CM-Handle sync state will remain as ‘UNSYNCHRONIZED’, and will be re-attempted.

Retry Mechanism

The retry mechanism is a user configurable timed process, which is used to search for CM-Handles which are currently in a ‘LOCKED’ state. If the CM-Handle is ready to be retried then, the CM-Handle(s) in a ‘LOCKED’ state is processed by the retry mechanism, the CM-Handle state is then set to ‘ADVISED’. Whether the CM-Handle is ready to be retried is dependent on both the number of attempts to sync the CM-Handle, and the last update time of the CM-Handle state. With each new attempt to unlock the CM-Handle, the time until the CM-Handle can next be retried is doubled.