
[1] basic-login

usage: oclip basic-login

Provides HTTP basic authorization support.

Product: open-cli Service: basic-auth Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-m | --host-url] [-C | --no-catalog] [-f | --format]
[-h | --help] [-V | --verify] [-t | --no-title]
[-d | --debug] [-v | --version] [-s | --long]
[-D | --context] [-u | --host-username] [-p | --host-password]


-m | --host-url        host url in http(s). It is of type URL. By
                       default, it is read from environment variable
-C | --no-catalog      Whether to use given host-url directly or
                       discover it from catalog, it will override the
                       service->mode. It is of type BOOL. It is
-f | --format          Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                       csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-h | --help            print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-V | --verify          Helps to verify the command using samples
                       provides under open-cli-samples directory. By
                       default, it goes with mock.To enable the
                       verification of samples in real time, set
                       DISABLE_MOCKING=true in the context parameter. It
                       is of type BOOL. It is optional.
-t | --no-title        whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug           Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version         print service version. It is of type BOOL.
-s | --long            whether to print all attributes or only short
                       attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-D | --context         command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-u | --host-username   Host user name. It is of type STRING. By default,
                       it is read from environment variable
-p | --host-password   Host user password. It is of type STRING. By
                       default, it is read from environment variable
                       OPEN_CLI_HOST_PASSWORD. Secured.


Authorization  Authorization and is of type STRING.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[2] basic-logout

usage: oclip basic-logout

Provides HTTP basic authorization support. As part of logout, it invalidates authorization key generated while login.

Product: open-cli Service: basic-auth Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-m | --host-url] [-C | --no-catalog] [-f | --format]
[-h | --help] [-V | --verify] [-t | --no-title]
[-d | --debug] [-v | --version] [-s | --long]
[-D | --context]


-m | --host-url    host url in http(s). It is of type URL. By
                   default, it is read from environment variable
-C | --no-catalog  Whether to use given host-url directly or
                   discover it from catalog, it will override the
                   service->mode. It is of type BOOL. It is
-f | --format      Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                   csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-h | --help        print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-V | --verify      Helps to verify the command using samples
                   provides under open-cli-samples directory. By
                   default, it goes with mock.To enable the
                   verification of samples in real time, set
                   DISABLE_MOCKING=true in the context parameter. It
                   is of type BOOL. It is optional.
-t | --no-title    whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug       Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version     print service version. It is of type BOOL.
-s | --long        whether to print all attributes or only short
                   attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-D | --context     command context. It is of type MAP. It is


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[3] catalog

usage: oclip catalog

Provides catalog discovery support to find the base api path for given service from product’s catalog service. If any product wants to support catalog, it could derive from this command. Currently ONAP uses it and creates derived command by using ONAP MSB service.

Product: open-cli Service: catalog Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-m | --host-url] [-C | --no-catalog] [-l | --catalog-service-name]
[-f | --format] [-h | --help] [-V | --verify]
[-t | --no-title] [-d | --debug] [-v | --version]
[-s | --long] [-D | --context] [-i | --catalog-service-version]


-m | --host-url                  host url in http(s). It is of type URL. By
                                 default, it is read from environment variable
-C | --no-catalog                Whether to use given host-url directly or
                                 discover it from catalog, it will override the
                                 service->mode. It is of type BOOL. It is
-l | --catalog-service-name      service name registered in catalog service. It is
                                 of type STRING. By default, it is .
-f | --format                    Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                                 csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-h | --help                      print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-V | --verify                    Helps to verify the command using samples
                                 provides under open-cli-samples directory. By
                                 default, it goes with mock.To enable the
                                 verification of samples in real time, set
                                 DISABLE_MOCKING=true in the context parameter. It
                                 is of type BOOL. It is optional.
-t | --no-title                  whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug                     Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version                   print service version. It is of type BOOL.
-s | --long                      whether to print all attributes or only short
                                 attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-D | --context                   command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-i | --catalog-service-version   service version registered in catalog service. It
                                 is of type STRING. By default, it is .


catalog-service-host-url   Service connection url and is of type STRING.
catalog-service-base-path  service base path, to append with host-url for
                           connecting the service. and is of type STRING.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[4] execution-list

usage: oclip execution-list

List the executions of the given command so far

Product: open-cli Service: execution Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-e | --request-id] [-b | --service] [-f | --format]
[-h | --help] [-t | --no-title] [-d | --debug]
[-x | --start-time] [-v | --version] [-n | --command]
[-l | --product] [-y | --end-time] [-s | --long]
[-D | --context] [-c | --profile]


-e | --request-id  Request id. It is of type STRING. It is optional.
                   By default, it is .
-b | --service     For a given service. It is of type STRING. It is
                   optional. By default, it is .
-f | --format      Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                   csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-h | --help        print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-t | --no-title    whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug       Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-x | --start-time  From start time. It is of type STRING. It is
                   optional. By default, it is .
-v | --version     print service version. It is of type BOOL.
-n | --command     For a given command. It is of type STRING. It is
                   optional. By default, it is .
-l | --product     For a given product version. It is of type
                   STRING. It is optional. By default, it is .
-y | --end-time    Till end time. It is of type STRING. It is
                   optional. By default, it is .
-s | --long        whether to print all attributes or only short
                   attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-D | --context     command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-c | --profile     For a given profile. It is of type STRING. It is
                   optional. By default, it is .


request-id     Request id and is of type STRING.
execution-id   Execution id and is of type STRING.
product        Product and is of type STRING.
service        service and is of type STRING.
command        command and is of type STRING.
profile        Profile and is of type STRING.
status         Execution status and is of type STRING.
start-time     Command execution starting Time and is of type
end-time       Command execution finishing Time and is of type
input          Input and is of type STRING.
output         Output and is of type STRING.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[5] execution-show

usage: oclip execution-show

Show the complete executions for the given request id

Product: open-cli Service: execution Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-l | --execution-id] [-D | --context] [-s | --long]
[-h | --help] [-f | --format] [-t | --no-title]
[-d | --debug] [-v | --version]


-l | --execution-id  Execution id. It is of type STRING. By default,
                     it is .
-D | --context       command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-s | --long          whether to print all attributes or only short
                     attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-h | --help          print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-f | --format        Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                     csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-t | --no-title      whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug         Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version       print service version. It is of type BOOL.


request-id   Request id and is of type STRING.
product      Product and is of type STRING.
service      service and is of type STRING.
command      command and is of type STRING.
profile      Profile and is of type STRING.
input        Input and is of type STRING.
status       Execution status and is of type STRING.
start-time   Command execution starting Time and is of type
end-time     Command execution finishing Time and is of type
output       Output and is of type STRING.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[6] product-list

usage: oclip product-list

List available products registered in OCLIP

Product: open-cli Service: product Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-D | --context] [-s | --long] [-h | --help]
[-f | --format] [-t | --no-title] [-d | --debug]
[-v | --version]


-D | --context   command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-s | --long      whether to print all attributes or only short
                 attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-h | --help      print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-f | --format    Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                 csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-t | --no-title  whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug     Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version   print service version. It is of type BOOL.


product      Product name and is of type STRING.
description  Product description and is of type STRING.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[8] schema-list

usage: oclip schema-list

OCLIP command to list available schema

Product: open-cli Service: schema Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-l | --product] [-D | --context] [-s | --long]
[-h | --help] [-f | --format] [-t | --no-title]
[-d | --debug] [-v | --version] [-n | --service]


-l | --product   For a given product version. It is of type
                 STRING. By default, it is .
-D | --context   command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-s | --long      whether to print all attributes or only short
                 attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-h | --help      print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-f | --format    Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                 csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-t | --no-title  whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug     Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version   print service version. It is of type BOOL.
-n | --service   For a given service in a product. It is of type
                 STRING. It is optional. By default, it is .


command      Command name and is of type STRING.
schema       Schema name and is of type STRING.
service      Service name and is of type STRING.
ocs-version  Schema version and is of type STRING.
type         Command type and is of type STRING.
enabled      Command is enabled or not and is of type STRING.
rpc          Command is executed remotely and is of type


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[9] schema-refresh

usage: oclip schema-refresh

OCLIP command to refresh schemas stored in open-cli-schema folders.

Product: open-cli Service: schema Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-D | --context] [-s | --long] [-h | --help]
[-f | --format] [-t | --no-title] [-d | --debug]
[-v | --version]


-D | --context   command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-s | --long      whether to print all attributes or only short
                 attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-h | --help      print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-f | --format    Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                 csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-t | --no-title  whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug     Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version   print service version. It is of type BOOL.


command      Command name and is of type STRING.
product      Command product version and is of type STRING.
schema       Schema name and is of type STRING.
ocs-version  Schema version and is of type STRING.
type         Command type and is of type STRING.
enabled      Command is enabled or not and is of type STRING.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[10] schema-show

usage: oclip schema-show

OCLIP command to show available schema in JSON format

Product: open-cli Service: schema Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-l | --product] [-D | --context] [-s | --long]
[-h | --help] [-f | --format] [-t | --no-title]
[-d | --debug] [-x | --service] [-v | --version]
[-n | --command]


-l | --product   For a given product version. It is of type
                 STRING. By default, it is .
-D | --context   command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-s | --long      whether to print all attributes or only short
                 attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-h | --help      print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-f | --format    Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                 csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-t | --no-title  whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug     Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-x | --service   For a given service. It is of type STRING. It is
                 optional. By default, it is .
-v | --version   print service version. It is of type BOOL.
-n | --command   Schema details to fetch. It is of type STRING. By
                 default, it is .


schema   Scheam json and is of type JSON.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[11] schema-switch

usage: oclip schema-switch

OCLIP command to switch the given command enable/disable

Product: open-cli Service: schema Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-l | --name] [-i | --product] [-D | --context]
[-s | --long] [-h | --help] [-f | --format]
[-t | --no-title] [-d | --debug] [-v | --version]


-l | --name      Command name. It is of type STRING. By default,
                 it is .
-i | --product   Product name. It is of type STRING. By default,
                 it is .
-D | --context   command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-s | --long      whether to print all attributes or only short
                 attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-h | --help      print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-f | --format    Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                 csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-t | --no-title  whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug     Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version   print service version. It is of type BOOL.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[12] schema-validate

usage: oclip schema-validate

OCLIP command to validate schema

Product: open-cli Service: schema Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-D | --context] [-s | --long] [-h | --help]
[-b | --ocs-version] [-f | --format] [-t | --no-title]
[-d | --debug] [-v | --version] [-l | --schema-location]
[-i | --internal-schema]


-D | --context           command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-s | --long              whether to print all attributes or only short
                         attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-h | --help              print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-b | --ocs-version       OCS version. It is of type STRING. It is optional.
-f | --format            Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                         csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-t | --no-title          whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug             Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version           print service version. It is of type BOOL.
-l | --schema-location   Schema file location. It is of type URL. By
                         default, it is .
-i | --internal-schema   Validate existing schema file. It is of type BOOL.


error  Schema validation error and is of type STRING.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>

[13] service-list

usage: oclip service-list

List the services in given product registered in OCLIP

Product: open-cli Service: product Author: Kanagaraj Manickam


[-l | --product] [-D | --context] [-s | --long]
[-h | --help] [-f | --format] [-t | --no-title]
[-d | --debug] [-v | --version]


-l | --product   For a given product version. It is of type
                 STRING. By default, it is .
-D | --context   command context. It is of type MAP. It is
-s | --long      whether to print all attributes or only short
                 attributes. It is of type BOOL.
-h | --help      print help message. It is of type BOOL.
-f | --format    Output formats, supported formats such as table,
                 csv, json, yaml. It is of type STRING.
-t | --no-title  whether to print title or not. It is of type BOOL.
-d | --debug     Enable debug output. It is of type BOOL.
-v | --version   print service version. It is of type BOOL.


service      Service name and is of type STRING.
description  Product description and is of type STRING.


On error, it prints <STATUS CODE>::<ERROR CODE>::<ERROR MESSAGE>