CLI installation guide

ONAP CLI is delivered in following formats:

  • Nexus ZIP artifact

  • Docker image

And it could be installed by following one of the approaches given below:


Please follow the instructions given below, for installing CLI using

  1. Download from here. to /tmp

  1. Run command

source /tmp/
  1. Verify the installation by running following command.

onap -v
  1. For details, see CLI user guide

Using Portal CLI app

Please follow the instructions given below, for installing CLI from portal.

  1. After installing Portal, ONAP CLI will be available as Portal application as shown below:

  1. Click on CLI application and it will show the following page and download the CLI as reported in this page.

  1. After downloading, please follow the instruction given in this page to install ONAP CLI.

  2. Verify the installation by running following command

onap -v
  1. For details, see CLI user guide

Using docker image

Please follow the instructions given below, for installing CLI using docker image.

  1. Download the cli docker image

docker login -u docker -p docker
docker pull
  1. Verify the installation by running following command

docker run onap/cli onap -v
  1. For details, see CLI user guide