
The tests folder contains the uat.yaml file for execution the cba actions for sunny day and rainy day scenario using mock data. The process to generate the uat file is documented TBD. The file can be dragged and drop to the Tests folder after the test for all actions are executed.

NOTE: You need to activate the “uat” Spring Boot profile in order to enable the spy/verify endpoints. They are disabled by default because the mocks created at runtime can potentially cause collateral problems in production. You can either pass an option to JVM (-Dspring.profiles.active=uat) or set and export an environment variable (export spring_profiles_active=uat).

A quick outline of the UAT generation process follows:

  1. Create a minimum uat.yaml containing only the NB requests to be sent to the BlueprintsProcessor (BPP) service;

  2. Submit the blueprint CBA and this draft uat.yaml to BPP in a single HTTP POST call:

    curl -u ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps -F cba=@<path to your CBA file> -F uat=@<path to the draft uat.yaml> http://localhost:8080/api/v1/uat/spy

  3. If your environment is properly setup, at the end this service will generate the complete uat.yaml;

  4. Revise the generate file, eventually removing superfluous message fields;

  5. Include this file in your CBA under Tests/uat.yaml;

  6. Submit the candidate CBA + UAT to be validated by BPP, that now will create runtime mocks to simulate all SB collaborators, by running:

    $ curl -u ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps -F cba=@<path to your CBA file> http://localhost:8080/api/v1/uat/verify

  7. Once validated, your CBA enhanced with its corresponding UAT is eligible to be integrated into the CDS project, under the folder components/model-catalog/blueprint-model/uat-blueprints.

Reference link for sample generated uat.yaml file for pnf plug & play use case: uat.yaml file.

As UAT is part of unit testing, it runs in jenkins job ccsdk-cds-master-verify-java whenever a new commit/patch pushed on gerrit in ccsdk/cds repo.